The Ticket to Work program is sponsoring its first Twitter chat! On Friday, March 30th, between 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. ET, follow @chooseworkssa and the hashtag #DEchat (for Disability Employment chat) to participate.
A Twitter chat is a set time on Twitter for discussion of a topic using a specific hashtag (in this case, #DEchat). Usually, one Twitter user will keep the chat going by raising questions or responding to comments, but everyone can participate! The purpose of the chat is to get a whole lot of people talking about an interesting topic at the same time. The chat allows participants to share what they know and connect with others! Twitter chats on all sorts of topics happen all the time on Twitter.
The first Twitter chat topic will be “Career Help for People with Developmental Disabilities” in honor of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, observed each year in March. To help stimulate the conversation, Sharon Lewis, Commissioner, Administration on Developmental Disabilities, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, will join us in leading the chat.
If you are new to Twitter, learn how to get started, and join us on the 30th! Additionally, EasyChirp provides an accessible alternative to Twitter that is easier to use and optimized for use by people with disabilities.
If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or send a direct message (DM) to @chooseworkssa on Twitter!
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