Wednesday, June 20, 2012

7 tips for using Pinterest in your job search

If you are already somewhat social media savvy with profiles on sites like Facebook and Twitter then you have probably already discovered Pinterest. Pictures speak louder than words and as such Pinterest lets you express yourself with images that you pin to your walls of interest. While this approach is certainly a lot of fun, it can also make your job search more successful since most companies have already followed the trend to populate Pinterest.
So go where the employers are and start marketing yourself with the following tips:

Putting yourself on Pinterest - Top 7 Tips
  1. Put your Resume on Pinterest as a portfolio or infographic.
  2. Find companies you want to work for.
  3. Follow career experts.
  4. Follow college career offices.
  5. Use Pinterest to inspire yourself.
  6. Research Pinterest and see what other Pinners have done to promote themselves.
  7. Build up your Network by 'following', 'liking', 'Re-Pinning' and commenting on other people’s Pins.

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